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Why Do I Need Braces Again?

Written by Anthony | April 20, 2016

For all those adults who rocked braces through their teens, the concept of getting braces again is a loaded question. Why would someone go through the trouble of going for “brace face 2.0”?

Truth is, after years of wear and tear, the problem of crooked teeth can begin plaguing people all over again. These days almost 20% of people who wear braces are adults, especially adults who are trying some catchup care to get their teeth back into shape. We’ve explored the two common reasons crooked teeth occur and the benefits of wearing braces twice – so you’ve got all the essential know-how to pursue your ideal smile.


So, why do we have crooked teeth after braces? 

Crooked teeth can occur, even with the help of the humble braces during adolescence, so wearing braces twice is a common decision many people make. Here are two common reasons why crooked teeth can occur:


Natural movement of teeth

From the moment your orthodontist removes those braces of yours and you bare that brilliant new smile to the world, your teeth are on the move. It’s natural for some movement to occur, even if you wear your retainers on a regular basis. As a teen, your body is still growing and therefore your jaw, bones, muscles and gums are all experiencing some change.

Recent research is providing increasing evidence that it may be necessary to wear your retainers indefinitely to maintain that smile. The reality is that the longer you wear your retainers, the longer you can keep your teeth straight.


Injuries to your facial area may cause your teeth and jaw to become misaligned. Unfortunately, since adult teeth and muscles are stronger, they’re often more resistant to corrective treatments. This means that slower treatment time must be taken into account, especially if you’re considering a treatment in the lead up to a wedding, a new job or another big occasion.


What are the benefits of getting braces again? 

Getting braces again is a lifelong investment, that’s becoming more affordable with many insurance policies supporting adult braces. Truth is, pursuing your ideal smile through wearing braces twice offers tangible medical and lifestyle benefits.


Braces improve your long term dental health

When teeth become crowded and crooked, it can become difficult to clean all the nooks and crannies of your smile. This increases the likelihood little nasties hang around, with the potential for problems like tooth decay, cavities and gingivitis to occur.

Braces can minimise medical issues down the road

Aside from the aesthetics, there are also the health related side effects of crooked teeth to consider. Crooked teeth can often lead to an increased risk of tooth breakage. Misaligned jaw bones or a misaligned bite are more likely to suffer from tooth breakage, because there is an increased strain on your teeth, muscles and jaw.

Furthermore, misaligned teeth are also associated with exacerbating teeth grinding issues, while jaw-shape abnormality may increased likelihood of breathing problems during sleep.

Braces can improve confidence

While slightly crowded and crooked teeth mightn’t seem like a big problem, they can amount to ongoing issues that leave you inconvenienced and feeling down about your overall appearance and health.

Many people find the transformative confidence of achieving their ideal smile equips them with the confidence boost they’ve always wanted – helping them in the run up to big life events such as new jobs, wedding day planning and other milestones.


Over to you

While taking the leap and getting braces again may seem a daunting decision, you’re not alone! More and more Australians of every age are choosing orthodontic treatments to pursue the smile they’ve always wanted, while also gaining medical benefits at the same time. From Australia’s own ‘A Current Affair’ presenter Leila McKinnon to Hollywood celebrities like Tom Cruise, adult braces are

Still wondering whether wearing braces twice is on the cards? We’ve gathered an essential guide with what you can expect when you’re expecting braces. Simply click below to grab your guide!