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You’re Not Too Old For Orthodontic Treatment!

Written by Anthony | April 5, 2015

When we think about braces, it’s usually a teenage face (and mouth) that springs to mind. Orthodontic treatment may be synonymous with the high school market but increasingly, it’s being employed by those no longer carrying a backpack .

If you had braces as a child or have grown accustomed to the way your smile looks, you may think that it’s too late and perhaps not even worth investigating adult orthodontic treatment. Sure, you may not be 100% happy with the way your teeth look in photos and your jaw may get a little sore from misalignment or teeth grinding (common side effects of crooked or overcrowded teeth), but is it really worth seeking treatment when you’re well and truly past the days of school (and perhaps even wedding) photos?

The short answer is YES! As our population continues to live longer, we are seeing more and more adults seek orthodontic treatment here at Inner West Orthodontics . It’s now estimated that adult orthodontic treatment accounts for 20% of the braces wearing population, with professionals, parents and even grandparents taking advantage of the technological advances that makes orthodontic treatment more discreet and effective than ever before.



Why adult orthodontics?

For some, they wish to correct an issue that they’ve always had but haven’t been able to treat previously, either due to cost or time constraints. Others may have had their teeth progressively become an issue as they’ve hit their adult years. The quest for the perfect smile doesn’t end when you join the work-force/become a parent/ retire! And why should it? Studies have found that correctional orthodontic treatment can have an extremely positive impact on professional and personal self confidence, regardless of your age.


New Orthodontic treatments

New treatments such as Invisalign, which involves a series of almost invisible, removable aligners that you change every fortnight as your teeth move and clear bracket options means that the traditional ‘metal train tracks’ method of orthodontic treatment is a thing of the past. At Inner West Orthodontics, Dr Anthony Pistolese offers both Invisalign and clear braces options and can discuss the individual treatments and which may suit your needs best with you during your consultation.


A healthy smile = healthy teeth

While improving your smile is often a major contributor to the decision to seek adult orthodontic treatment, it’s worth noting that there are also a number of health reasons for having a correctly aligned bite. Teeth that aren’t aligned properly or that have a significant bite problem can cause jaw and neck pain, headaches and there is an increased chance of plaque buildup and eventual tooth decay due to difficulties with brushing. A straight, healthy smile can alleviate or even eliminate the majority of these issues entirely.

For a consultation or to discuss your orthodontic treatment needs, please contact us. We are always happy to share our extensive knowledge and experience with prospective patients who are looking to improve their smile and correct their bite.