
Today everyone can enjoy having treatment to straighten their teeth without being self conscious.

Unlike other forms of braces — which are permanently fixed to the teeth for the duration of treatment — Invisalign ® Aligners are removable and practically invisible.
Technological advancement over the last couple of decades has resulted in braces which are lower profile, less intrusive and more gentle to the teeth and gums — making modern metal braces far more comfortable than those available in the past.
The structure of ceramic braces is much like that of traditional shape of metal ones — only  ceramic or clear in appearance.  These are the same colour as your teeth, to make your braces much less visible.
Lingual braces are similar to traditional metal braces, but are fixed to the back of the teeth instead of the front in order to achieve an ‘invisible’ result. Because they’re unnoticeable, they’re a good option for patients who are worried about wearing braces in public.

Discuss your options with us

Today everyone can enjoy having treatment to straighten their teeth without being self conscious.

Whether you’re a teen who can’t bear the thought of mouth hardware, a parent who wants to give their child the best start in life or an adult looking to make a change,  contact us for a consultation!